Caitlin Glore Sissy and Lou Photography Lifestyle Family Photographer Seattle Gay Queer LGBTQ Wedding Photographer Seattle.jpg

 Hi! My name is Caitlin.
I capture the essence of newborns and families in and around Seattle.

Photography is where it all began for me. My father is the one that first showed me how to work a camera. He is the one that showed me the art of staying committed to not only catching that perfect shot, but to so many aspects of this art form. He taught me about the golden hour, composition, and the rule of thirds. He put a camera in my hands and I don’t know if I ever looked back. I watched him capture the landscape of this beautiful world in a way I had never seen before. We may not take pictures of the same things, but I see the world through a glass lens because of him.

Caitlin Glore Seattle Wedding Photographer Sissy and Lou Photography Seattle Adventure Maternity Portraits.png

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Sissy and Lou Photography Seattle Caitlin Glore Seattle Gay Queer Wedding Photographers Newborn Maternity Photos seattle.jpg

This creative space we know as “Photography” is where I fell in love with the art of storytelling and capturing tiny moments in time.

I am a free spirit and part of what I love most about my photography sessions is the ability to create them with my clients. After three kids and endless snack times, countless sleepless nights, and my heart being blown wide open by their love, I have come to realize something... Everyday life looks different for each family, and that is more than ok. I wanted to create a photography business that was based more in openheartedness than perfect portraiture. And that's exactly what I have done. It may seem simple, but in a world full of Instagram perfect photographers, I hope to never be that way. My social media shows images that I love, but they are all very different, because no two families are alike… and I like it that way.  It has taken me years of tweaking things in my life to get to this point. I have three amazing kids who basically run the show in our house, and so, my business has formed around them.

When I was out of the house working 40+ hours a week, I was miserable, and so were they. My best friend saw this as an opportunity to change the trajectory of our life, and stepped in to help me make this business a reality. She quickly became my business partner taking care of emails, scheduling, and so many other behind the scenes projects. It is because of her that I am able to do what I do so successfully. Being removed from my full time job and working primarily from home brings a whole different set of challenges, but there is nothing in the world that I would rather be doing than this. My kids show me what honest childhood is like, and my experience in motherhood shows the flipside of that coin. My photography business brings me life. It immerses me in honest interaction with other families and keeps me connected to an art form that gives the gift of freezing our most precious moments in time.


My mission for Sissy + Lou Photography

is to not only meet families and couples that align with my style of photography, but to grow with them. From wedding to family pictures. I hope to find friendship with my clients, to be with you for many years to come-- not just today. 
